Client Testimonials

Proof is in the Pudding. Join the success!


“Anya is the best! She is everything you want from a running coach; organized, understanding, structured, knowledgeable, supportive, and dependable. I was a very very novice runner when I came to Anya for help training for a half- marathon. I finished my half feeling comfortable and confident in my running abilities. Anya worked with me from the start to understand my goals and current abilities; she then created a running plan that worked for me. Every step of the way Anya was there to guide me to the finish line. Anya's coaching provided me with the structure needed without feeling overwhelmed by the tasks given. If something was missed or burnout was happening she quickly adapted the program to ensure I was successful. I think Anya is an amazing coach and really can't say enough good things about her!”


“As an experienced runner trying to make a qualifying time for the NYC Marathon, I contacted Anya about getting a customized training plan that would allow me to achieve my goal time in a half-marathon in March. I was immediately blown away by the level of detail and attention Anya put into developing an incredibly robust and attainable program 10 week program. Before meeting Anya, I had ran half-marathons using training plans that I found online and then adapted to fit around my schedule. Nothing could compare to the plan I was able to follow with Anya. She made everything about the different types of training formulas so accessible, and I learned so much. I know I will be reusing her advise and coaching for the rest of my life as a runner!”

Ready to Get Started?

Email Coach Anya with:
- The Coaching Plan or Hands-Off Plan that interests you
- Your contact information and availability for an initial phone consultation

You will be contacted within 48 hours to set up an initial consultation.

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