Coach Anya’s Coaching Philosophy

Coaching is an art and a science. The science provides infrastructure and strategy for all of decisions such as weekly mileage increases, long run increases, the volume of speed work to include, etc. The art is being a human. Ensuring those decisions unite with your specific goals, capabilities, and limitations relies on the art of listening to you and your unique experience.

My professional background is in data science and programming. I am a unique coach in the fact that I incorporate those skills into the process of building training plans to ensure all elements are within the appropriate parameters according to the scientific studies and your own statistics.

Beyond building an ideal plan, a coach must also be a great communicator who is able to provide support and accountability. I like to build genuine connections with people and help them achieve their goals. Long story short? I’ve got your back.

Ready to Get Started?

Email Coach Anya with:
- The Coaching Plan or Hands-Off Plan that interests you
- Your contact information and availability for an initial phone consultation

You will be contacted within 48 hours to set up an initial consultation.

© 2022 Anya Marks Coaching LLC

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